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Just like the tides, many mental health symptoms ebb and flow. Here at the Translational Imagery, DEpression, and Suicide (TIDES) Lab we work to understand what leads to these changes and how to intervene to shift the tides and improve the lives of youth in our communities.

Our Focus
Our research focuses on:
  1. understanding what increases youths’ risk for depression, self-harm, and suicide.

  2. examining how we can more effectively reduce youths’ depressive symptoms and risk for self-harm and suicide.

  3. developing effective interventions that are scalable, so we are able to reach the many youth who need support in the moments that they need it most.

We are particularly interested in how distressing or unhelpful mental imagery may increase risk and how we can enhance positive or helpful mental imagery to reduce risk.

We take a multimethod approach in pursuing these aims. We use psychophysiological assessment, experimental paradigms, ecological momentary assessment and interventions, clinical interviews, and self-report measures. We also value lived experience and work to prioritize the perspectives of the very people we hope to help when designing our research studies and interventions.

Multiple Levels of Analysis

Psychophysiological Assessment

Ecological Momentary Assessment

Clinical Interviews

Self-report Measures

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